Thursday, April 9, 2009


We encounter many things daily and can extract lots of learning points from most if we spend just a few minutes reflecting on them. Sadly, due to our hectic schedule, we tend to brush aside those encounters, preferring to just focus on our career and study. In essence, we have missed the opportunity to learn something new, valuable and beneficial as we experience the various phases of life.

Occasionally, we do find the time to reflect, but are plain lazy to put them in writing. Very soon, we have forgotten them and are at a loss when the time comes to draw on them.

My motivation for writing this blog is to put these learning points in writing and share them with as many people as possible. I also hope to expand my collection of learning points through your experiences. So please be generous with your comments. The topics I cover will be diverse, ranging from my personal encounters through coffee talks and travel to news articles on anything under the sun. I guess I don’t have to explain why I have called this blog “The Perpetual Apprentice”

Cya around!

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