Sunday, April 26, 2009

Be Courteous and Please Chuck Aside That Arrogance

Yesterday, I encountered 2 different people who came to view my house with the intention of renting it. One is a middle-aged woman who works for a courier company. The other one is a young Indian couple who stay nearby.

The middle-aged woman is a pleasant lady. When I opened the main door and say “hi”, she responded with a cheerful “hi” as well. She also introduced herself to me, telling me where she works, how long she has been away from Singapore and that she will be staying alone in the unit. She also asked for my permission before she proceeded to view the rest of the house, particularly my room. All in all, it was a great experience and quite honestly, I have a feeling that my house will be in good hands if she is the tenant.

The young Indian couple, on the other hand, is rude and arrogant. When I welcomed them with a “hi”, they didn’t respond. For a while, I thought my “hi” was too soft but the agent responded to it. They also kept on looking at the ceiling, giving me the impression that I wasn’t worth their notice. Subsequently, they just barged through me to view the rest of the rooms as if they have rented the unit. For goodness sake, do I look so desperate to rent out the unit? Why can’t you show some courtesy? Is being an Indian expatriate so great that you can look down on other people? All these are in addition to his ridiculously low quotation.

But that’s fine because I learn 2 important lessons that I want to share with you guys: 1) being courteous to others goes a long way. Besides making their day, you will also likely get the same courteous treatment from them. 2) There’s really no need to be arrogant because being successful now doesn’t mean you will remain successful throughout your life. Also, the world is so big that even if you are successful, there are many who are equally so, if not more.

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