Friday, April 24, 2009

Never decline the offer to learn

During the course of our life, we occasionally encounter requests for help that are totally different from what we are doing currently. Most people tend to reject them on the basis that they are totally unrelated to their jobs or interests. However, is rejection the right thing to do? Well, I don’t think so.

As I like to mention, life is unpredictable and full of surprises. Things that are unrelated to you at the moment may not remain so forever. Sometime in the future, these may end up helping you. And if you reject them now, it means giving up the opportunities to gain the knowledge that may assist you.

Suppose you are currently doing molecular biology research. During a gathering with your ex-classmates, one of them tells you that he is exploring business opportunities in Myanmar and needs help in preparing report on both market and company analysis. Although you have ample time at your disposal, you decide not to offer your help as you don’t think you will do business in Myanmar. A couple of years later, you realize that you are getting tired of molecular biology research and wish to try other options. Coincidentally, Myanmar is becoming one of the “next economies” and you begin to take interest in the possible opportunities that you can explore in Myanmar. If you have offered your help in generating the report for your friend, then perhaps you will be one step ahead of the others.

The moral of the story is: If you have time, please do not decline any opportunities because it may help you in the future. Anything in this world, including those that many resent is worth learning because you never know their usefulness until you need them.

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