Friday, October 9, 2009

Volunteer for the Sake of It

I attended the volunteering fair organized by my school 2 days ago. I have to say the large number of students who are eager to provide their service to all these organizations amazed me. However, I felt a tinge of sadness as I strolled pass each stand. Questions such as how many months do I have to volunteer and can I end my voluntary work early were repeatedly asked by these students.

Clearly, the students had been drawn to this fair because of the prospect of improving their CVs and were not really keen to render their service because if they were, they would not have asked such thoughtless and insensitive questions. For a moment, I felt like telling these people off but I also know that it is human nature to be selfish.

For all readers, I just would like to say that volunteering is a lifelong activity and requires commitment. If you are unable to do so and are interested in only short-term goals, please refrain from volunteering yourself. Failure to do so will only end up hurting the beneficiaries of your work.

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