Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Take on Obama's Copenhagen Trip

There has been a big hoo-ha on Obama’s trip to Copenhagen to do his bit for Chicago. Personally, I think that he should not have made the trip because of 2 main reasons:

1) It is a well-known fact that the Games have never been staged in South America and since Brazil is one of the participating countries for the 2016 Games bid, it is highly likely that Brazil would win the bid. Since that’s the case, the President’s trip to Copenhagen would not only be futile but would also waste taxpayers’ money (not to mention the contribution of the flight to the carbon output which he has been fighting to reduce all these while.)

2) There are many things in Washington that needs his attention. The healthcare issue is obviously one of them. Going to Copenhagen at such a crucial time would only give his opponents more ammunition to be used against him. As expected, many of them have started to say that this is indeed the behaviour of a President who doesn’t know how to prioritize.

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