Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Right Proposal on Prison Terms

In a recent article posted in BBC, I read about a certain group that is proposing that the relevant authorities scrap short prison terms such as 1 year and replace them with community punishments because they have no effect in reforming the criminals. The group further justifies their proposal by saying that it will reduce the overcapacity that many prisons are facing.

I am very worried of this proposal because it is simply wrong to allow criminals to go back to the community where they committed their crime without them bearing any significant consequences of their actions. It is akin to allowing one’s child to continue playing even after he obtains poor grades for his study.

I am surprised that such proposal is deemed to be worth mentioning. If short prison terms don’t work, increase them, not scrap them. If there’s insufficient capacity, increase them, not free prisoners earlier.

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