Monday, October 5, 2009

Benefit and Cost of Hotels Using White Bed Sheets

Have you ever wondered why hotels use the same white bed sheets as hospitals? Well, I have. I always find it strange that despite the big difference in the nature of their businesses, they have similar taste for bed sheets. For a hospital, it’s fine to say that they are using the same type of bed sheets as this/that hotel. As a matter of fact, it may even boost their popularity because people always want the best for their sick family members. But for a hotel, it definitely can’t say that it is using the same bed sheets as this/that hospital because hospital has a certain negative connotation when used.

It appears that the objective for using white bed sheets is to show customers that the hotel/ hospital is very confident of its level of cleanliness because one can easily spot a speck of dirt on white sheets. As to why hotels do not use other colours that are more aesthetically-pleasing and at the same time, avoid being compared to hospitals, I believe many hotels tried to do that before. However, the benefits of using white bed sheets far outweigh the cost of using them.

In addition, they are other methods to make a bed looks more pleasing other than the color of its bed sheet. An example is to use a bed cover with a different color. Nowadays, some hotels also put long cloth with nicely embroidered design on top of beds that can be removed when one wants to make practical use of the bed.

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