Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Intrique of Achieving an ASEAN Community: The Middle Countries

Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, the current ASEAN Secretary General once said that it is countries in the middle that impede the progress towards building an ASEAN community. Why did he make such a remark?

Countries at the top are more than willing to take part in the establishment of community, in particular economic community because they are already highly competitive. A community will allow them better access to the neighboring market and they are certainly not worried that they will lose out in terms of efficiency if they open their borders to freer trade among ASEAN member economies.

Similarly, countries at the bottom are also more than willing to take part in this endeavor because after having been isolated for periods of time, they want to plug themselves into the globalized world and joining the ASEAN community is certainly a good starting point for doing so.

Countries in the middle view things rather differently. Opening their markets to freer trade is bound to benefit some groups but at the same time, is going to hurt some groups and these are not weak groups. Having been protected by their governments, they have grown into strong interest groups capable of influencing government policies. They would definitely prefer to maintain the status quo so as to maintain their current level of wealth and benefits.

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