Saturday, August 20, 2011

India and International Aid

A couple of weeks ago, I found out that India has established its own international aid agency. While this shows a country that is rising and ready to do more globally, I can’t help but to pour cold water into this perception. India is a developing country where a large percentage of its population still live below the poverty line. Wander around the big cities and you will see slums as well as how the dwellers make ends meet. Travel to the countryside and you will see many villages whose Gram Panchayat are not carrying out their duties and roads which are supposed to be repaired but for some reasons have been left as they are among others. If you have the time to have conversations with the villagers, you will realize that they have long lost trust in their government. So if India really has the capability to help others, why not help its own people?

Resources and politics appear to be the two main culprits. Its fast-growing economy means that it is likely to need more resources. In this aspect, India seems to have picked up the strategy of China, its neighbour or some would say rival. The Chinese has built excellent relationships with its African counterparts. In return for access to their wealthy resources, the Chinese has promised infrastructure development. Through its newly established aid agency, I believe India hopes to replicate China’s success in courting the Africans. Additionally, in an ever-integrated world where many issues are discussed at global forums, India may hope to gain supporters for its agenda.

In its pursuit for “bigger” reasons which I have to acknowledge are valid, the Indian Government appear to have forgotten the welfare of its own people, the very people who put them into power. The two things are not mutually exclusive. There are definitely ways to achieve both and I think India should seriously explore such options.

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