Thursday, September 10, 2009

How Far a Book Title Tells You About a Politician?

While browsing books at a local bookshop in Jakarta, I came across a book about Jusuf Kalla titled “Ambon is peaceful and Aceh is safe due to his magnanimity.” For those of you who don’t have any background information, here’s a summary. Jusuf Kalla is the current Vice-President of Indonesia. He took part in the recently concluded Presidential election as one of the Presidential candidates for the period 2010-2014 but lost the election to his current boss, SBY. Jusuf Kalla’s support base is outside Java, particularly the 2 regions mentioned in the title of this book.

Personally, I find the title of this book inappropriate because it seems to give the impression that he could have mobilized the masses in those regions and causes political turmoil in Indonesia if he wanted to. And Indonesians ought to be thankful that he didn’t do it. As a respected politician and current holder of the 2nd highest position in the land, being magnanimous is a fundamental requirement, not a choice and hence, there is really no need for one to promote that he has the trait. Actions speak louder than words.

If this title is indeed given the go-ahead by Jusuf Kalla before publication, then we should really ask if he is suitable to be a public-office holder because the title of this book is nothing less than a threat and a tool to self-promote his magnanimity. Any politician who truly cares for the people would not have agreed to the use of such title.

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