Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Alternative Ways to Encourage Public Transport Drivers to Change Their Behavior

While analyzing the traffic problem in Jakarta, the behavior of public transport drivers is never far from my mind, in fact from every Jakartan’s mind. Whenever there is a traffic jam, people unconsciously blame it on the public buses and minivans that are notorious for stopping anywhere as and when they want to. Consequently, I always believe that a stronger enforcement system will act as a deterrent to prevent these drivers from continuing with their irresponsible actions. However will the implementation of this policy really make situation better. Well, I used to think so but an experience last week made me doubt that.

When taking public bus from my house to the wet market, I found out that the bus fare is only 2000 rupiah (US$0.20) regardless of distance. With cost of living on the rise and yet bus fare remains unchanged, it is not a wonder that drivers are willing to break the law in order to get more passengers. This tendency is further amplified by the fact that the earning of each driver is solely dependent on the number of passengers he picks up along the route.

With all these reasons, drivers will just continue breaking the law even if the relevant authority decides to mete out more severe penalties. To improve the situation, besides putting in place stronger enforcement system, drivers’ compensation package must also be revised. 2 potential ways can be explored: 1) increase the bus fare to a level that drivers will find it not worthwhile to break the law and 2) give each driver a fixed monthly income, i.e removing the link between driver’s income and the number of passengers he picks up.

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