Monday, May 4, 2009

The Up & Down of Life

I have always wanted to post on this issue, but many ongoing things in my mind makes me chuck it aside and before long, I have forgotten about it altogether until my conversation with another good friend of mine (Mr. C) about Mr. S.

Basically, we were talking about Mr. S’s impending departure for London as well as his marriage this coming December. Mr. C asked me whether Mr. S’s wife-to-be will be working once she joins Mr. S in London. I told him Mr. S hopes that she can work and contribute to the household income as well but mentioned that it is unlikely she will be able to find one since her degree is from Calcutta University which according to him, is not a “good” school. By making the statement, Mr. S has committed 2 crimes: 1) assuming that a person coming from not a “good” school (based on his definition of “good” school) will not be able to find a job in competitive environment such as London and 2) looking down on his wife-to-be.

Upon hearing this, Mr. C made this statement: It’s too early for Mr. S to say such words. For all you know, his wife-to-be will end up earning more money than him in the future. I couldn’t agree more with Mr. C. The life journey of a person is very long and unpredictable. Today you may be very successful but that does not mean that you will remain successful twenty years, ten years down the road, or even tomorrow. The reverse is also true. In fact, Mr. S himself experienced it. When he obtained a poorly written reference letter, he thought he could never find a good job. One month later, he landed a job with an international investment bank.

Don’t make negative comments on others just because you are up there at the moment. Life is full of ups and downs. While you may be up there now, it does not mean that you will always be up there. (Of course, if you are, then let me congratulate you.) Others that you look down on may end up being more successful than you.

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