Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Balanced Measures, Please!

Many many weeks ago, while on a trip to Shenzhen (China), I experienced something I never thought I would in China. At that time, swine flu was in its early days of spreading and if I am not wrong, China had a few (<10) positive cases. Learning from its past experiences in handling SARS, the Chinese Government was very efficient in trying to contain swine flu.

The minute our plane landed at Shenzhen Baoan Airport, it was directed to an open parking space. We were then informed that in order to minimize the spread of swine flu, every passengers would have his/her temperature taken. No, not by air-stewardesses/ stewards, but by Chinese health authorities. Soon after, the cabin door opened and 3 men in masks and surgical gloves entered the plane. They began taking the temperature of each passenger. I must say I am very impressed with this method because detecting fever before people leave the plane allows the authorities to isolate potential carriers before they start to spread the virus to other people in the airport area. This can certainly reduce the transmission rate. In addition, when there’s a need to isolate people who have come into contact with the carriers, it is administratively simpler as authorities only need to quarantine the entire plane in the worst-case scenario without having to worry if some new and unknown carriers could have escaped the dragnet.

Unfortunately, my good impression ended there. Once we were cleared to leave the plane, we boarded the airport shuttle that was supposed to bring us to the main terminal building for immigration clearance. When we reached the terminal building, a security officer didn’t allow us to enter the building. Perhaps he was unconvinced that we were all free of swine flu. He told us to wait under the hot sun and admitted us one by one at a rate of 1 person for every 5 minutes. Meanwhile, we were given a health declaration form to fill up. I remembered clearly one section asked whether I had fever. My reaction was well, not now but maybe I would have one by the time I was allowed in because we were practically being barbecued under the afternoon sun.

Then, I started to recall that the Chinese Government had quarantined all Mexican passport-holders even though they didn’t exhibit any symptoms of swine flu. Were they just being paranoid? I understand that there’s a need to contain the virus but some measures were obviously too excessive and illogical. Instead of generating praises from around the world, it might end up doing the opposite. The Government should try to find a more balanced measures that would allow them to prevent the spread of swine flu and yet, did not make visitors feel unwelcome.

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