Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pedestrians Walkways that are Wrongly Used in China

One peculiar thing which I noticed as I walked along the streets in China is that vehicles have a high interest in occupying any available openings or should I say gaps, regardless of whether such actions are against the law or not. It is common to see 4 lines of cars squeezing in what is supposed to be a 2-lane road. It is also common to see vehicles going against the traffic flow because the other side of the road is jammed or this particular road provides a more direct route lo your destination.

What really annoy me however is the loud horns of vehicles coming from behind me as I strolled along the pedestrians walkway. China’s pedestrians walkways are wide because they are made to ensure that large number of people can walk comfortably. Unfortunately, the wide walkways have also attracted those vehicles to make use of them. Besides the safety aspect, these vehicles are also health hazards. Imagine the sudden shock one experiences when these vehicles decide to sound their horns.

Some measures must be taken to prevent these vehicles from making use of the walkways. I understand that in certain areas, metallic barriers have been erected to prevent vehicles from entering but some persistent and innovative motorcyclists have been able to cross those barriers. One way to prevent that I believe is to re-design the barriers such that only people can pass through them. Strict rules must be put in place and at the same time enforced to ensure that violators are strongly penalized. Up to now, police officers seem to have turned a blind eye to these violations.

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